Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Mourning Dove, September 26, 2018

Wild Bird Wednesday and Wednesday Around The World

Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, August 17, 2018
Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, are common birds across much of North America. They are ground foragers, so to attract them to your yard offer seeds in platform feeders or on the ground.

Today, September 26, is my blog anniversary - 7 years!

Have a wonderful day!

For more bird photos, visit Wild Bird Wednesday: Click Here!

For an interesting variety of photos, visit Wednesday Around The World: Click Here!

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.


  1. ...I love the sound that they make!

  2. That dove is so soft, gentle, sweet looking. And the coo they make is mournful and sad. Great shot.

  3. Beautiful! I used to have quite a few Mourning Doves in my yard, but not so many now. I miss seeing them.

  4. Well happy Blogversary!!!
    We have Mourning Doves here too and yes they clean up under the feeders

  5. Sweet dove, great photo! I hope your day is great!

  6. Happy Blogoversary!

    They're such pretty birds.

  7. Happy blogoversary! The doves are such gentle birds!

  8. Happy blogoversary! Mourning doves are wonderful to have in the garden. :)

  9. whoops...somehow lost my comment... I was telling you that we used to have them in our neighbourhood...but not lately... not sure what happened.

  10. Years ago, when my sons were babies, I would slip out in the yard to work for a few minutes while they were sleeping. I carried a baby monitor with me so I could hear if they awoke. There were a pair of Mourning Doves close to my son's bedroom window. When they cooed, the baby monitor would pick it up, and I could hear it in they yard. The doves would answer the call on the monitor. I would sit quietly and enjoy their conversations.



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