ABC Wednesday, Wild Bird Wednesday, and Water World Wednesday
M is for Muscovy Ducks
Muscovy Duck, Cairina moschata, Ballard Park, Tupelo, Mississippi, USA |
Muscovy Ducks are native to Central and South America, but are moving northward into the United States. Though they are tropical birds, they have adapted well to colder climates. I made these photos at a park where they are used to people being around. In some parts of the world Muscovy Ducks are raised for food and are sold as Barbary Ducks.
They eat grass, water plants, small fish, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. Males are larger than females, and their wattles are larger and a darker red. I think the first photo is of a male, and this one is female. Both sexes have claws on their feet.
I was laughing out loud watching this one enjoy its bath! (I never thought about ducks having tongues, but of course they do.)
Hope you are having a beautiful day!
For more bird photos, visit Stewart for Wild Bird Wednesday:
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For more photos featuring the letter M, visit ABC Wednesday:
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For more water photos, visit Water World Wednesday:
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NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.