Friday, May 15, 2020

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, May 2020

I live in the northeast corner of Mississippi, USA zone 7b,
and today, the 15th, is the Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day for May.

The bees are enjoying the Spiderwort blooms!

Butterweed is a wildflower that spreads rapidly so we will be mowing it down after the blooms fade.

Thistle is another invasive plant that will be mowed down soon. If you wait until they set seed, there will be a thousand of them next year!

My roses are doing very well this year. Both my white and my red are loaded down with blooms.

I was surprised to see a few blooms still on the Kerria japonica. It was in full bloom two months ago.

The last bloom on my purple Clematis

As much as I love my flowers, this bloom is my favorite today - 'Early Girl' Tomato!

A preview of things to come - buds on the Butterfly Weed, Asclepias tuberosa.

Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

To see gardens around the world, visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens: Click Here!

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.


  1. Thistles are pretty though, aren't they? A tomato flower! How exciting!

  2. I love those roses! Beautiful. My Massachusetts roses won't be in bloom til mid-June. I am happy about my grape hyacinths this year.

  3. I also love your roses, especially the white (it seems to have a hit of pink in it). It is still a few more weeks for ours, and ditto for clementis. But spring is progressing daily now. We don't get thistles at this time of year either, but those we can certainly do without.

  4. Hello, Gorgeous variety of blooms. The clematis is one of my favorites. The Thistle is pretty. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  5. Beautiful roses! Ah, yes... my spiderwort is just coming out now. I wish they stayed open during the day instead of just the mornings.

  6. Wonderful blooms. Your tomato bloom reminds me that I am impatiently waiting for my first ripe tomato. Maybe by Memorial Day. Happy gardening and stay safe, my friend.


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