Willy Nilly Friday 5,
Sky Watch Friday,
Floral Friday Fotos,
and on Saturday,
Saturday's Critters, and
I'd Rather B Birdin'
1. We Need Rain (Sky Watch Friday)
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, September 12, 2018 |
Some parts of the world are getting too much rain, but we are not getting enough. I have noticed that the water levels are getting low on a lot of the small ponds. All the mud you see here is usually underwater. However, our temperatures are cooler now, and we are thankful for that.
NOTE: Please keep those in the path of Hurricane Florence in your thoughts and prayers.
2. Fall Gardening
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, September 11, 2018 |
The cooler weather makes me want to plant something! On Tuesday I sowed seeds for 'Black Seeded Simpson' Lettuce. It is a leafy lettuce that can be picked a few leaves at a time. It will continue to make new leaves until the cold weather kills it. I planted it in tubs so it will be easy to cover for protection against an early frost.
3. Moth (Saturday's Critters)
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, August 31, 2018 |
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth,
Hemaris thysbe. Despite wing damage, it was flying just fine.
4. Morning Glory Vine (Floral Friday Fotos)
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, September 11, 2018 |
Common Morning Glory,
Ipomoea purpurea. According to Wikipedia, there are over 1,000 species of Morning Glory worldwide.
5. Hummingbird (I'd Rather B Birdin')
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, August 28, 2018 |
I think this is a juvenile Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Most of our Hummingbirds have started their journey south. I expect they will all be gone by the first of October, but we will keep the feeders up awhile longer just in case a few stragglers come by.
Have a wonderful day!
For more weather-related photos, visit Sky Watch Friday:
Click Here!
For more flower photos, visit Floral Friday Fotos:
Click Here!
For an interesting variety of photos, visit Willy Nilly Friday 5:
Click Here!
And on Saturday,
For more animal photos, visit Saturday's Critters:
Click Here!
For more bird photos, visit I'd Rather B Birdin':
Click Here!
NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.