Tuesday, June 4, 2013

U is for..... Rain Gauge? June 4, 2013

ABC Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

The only 'U' word I could think of was Unicorn, but since they are so hard to find, I knew I needed to think of a different word. I looked in the dictionary, and right there on the first page of the U's,
I found it - Udometer.

A Udometer: (yoo-dom-i-ter) is a Rain Gauge.
From the Latin udus - wet and the French metre - meter.
I won this small Udometer at the Memphis Area Master Gardeners' plant sale.
The measurement tube has inches on one side and centimeters on the other.
It slides out for easy viewing and emptying.

According to Wikipedia, the earliest rain gauges (500-400 BC) were used to set land tax rates.
The more rainfall an area received,
The greater potential for growing crops,
The higher the land taxes.
Magnolia for Outdoor Wednesday!
Hope you are having a beautiful day!
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For more Outdoor Wednesday photos:  Click Here!


  1. this is so interesting...especially about the higher taxes for more rainfall.:p

    great U post.

  2. Love this post...so interesting...and the magnolia is beautiful :)

  3. I'm here from ABC Wednesday but I have to say I absolutely LOVE that photo of the magnolia!

    abcw team

  4. I learned a new word, thanks! My post was on unicorns even though I couldn't find any.
    An Arkies Musings

  5. You taught me plenty here. Beautiful post. Thanks!

  6. What a great idea for U - and to actually have one! would be fun to keep track of the rain I am sure.

  7. I didn't realize they were called udometers! Wonderful U post and history lesson too:)

  8. Fascinating facts and the magnolia is stunning.

  9. haha, i love that information and i haven't found an udometer, but i always love dewdrop photos!

  10. Great word, though I'm surprised U don't have a unicorn farm nearby.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  11. the udometer is probably more useful than an umbrella

  12. As a cpa, that tax per rain gauge is amazing...I would be inclined to think that they would dump the water before the tax man got there...of course, I am not offering tax evasion techniques.

  13. I'm glad we're not being taxed on rain this year! Great new word.

  14. Great shots. I use to have a neat rain gauge, but it finally fell apart.

  15. We have had an abundance of rain here for the past month, no need to water anything. My flowers are doing great. Udometer is a great U word, glad you came upon the idea.

  16. We have one of those in our garden, too - glad we're not being taxed on the amount of water in the Udometer!

  17. I learned a new word today, never heard of udometer before :-) Thanks for a great post! Take care, Helene.

  18. What a stunning Magnolia! Thanks for sharing (and for stopping by my blog) Wishing you a happy week.

  19. THAT is what it is called!
    I love your flowers, too. Beautiful, rich shots.
    Cheers from Cottage Country!


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