Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Belted Kingfisher, September 22, 2021

Wild Bird Wednesday and My Corner of the World

Click on the photos to see them at their best.

male Belted Kingfisher, Tupelo, Mississippi, USA, September 16, 2021
When I first saw this Belted Kingfisher, Megaceryle alycon, he had his back to me.

But he was very cooperative and flew over to another wire to give me a front view!

Over much of the United States, Belted Kingfishers are all year residents. In Canada and Mexico they are migratory birds. Fish are their primary source of food; look for them around ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Have a wonderful day!

I am linking in today with Wild Bird Wednesday and My Corner of the World

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." Psalms 23:1


  1. We do see them here in the country. Beautiful birds.

  2. As is the case with many other species as the climate warms, Belted Kingfishers are spending the winter farther north. Here in southern Ontario, as long as there is open water I can generally find kingfishers, and I know a couple of spots where they have overwintered for several years.

  3. Love the Kingfishers, great photos!
    Have a great day!

  4. These birds always make me smile. They look like they need their feathers trimmed.

  5. Great shots of this beautiful bird. How nice he posed for you.

  6. What a beauty!!

    Thanks for sharing your link at My Corner of the World this week!


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