Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, January 18, 2024
I am thankful that my pantry shelves were full - no need to rush to the grocery store before the winter storm.
I am thankful we had more propane added to our tank last week - no worry about not being warm enough.
I am thankful that the electric power stayed on - the snow and sleet did not cause trees to fall on the lines.
I am thankful that I have 10 books checked out from the library, and thankful for the extra time to read!

Have a blessed day!

I am joining in today with Thankful Thursday

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16


  1. You certainly were prepared. Stay safe!

  2. You are ready for anything, Lea. I though that I had a lot of stuff in my pantry until I saw this. ;-)

  3. Ooooh, and you need it. 10 books and extra time to read. That is good.

  4. Much to be thankful for, indeed. We are so fortunate to have warm homes this week during the polar vortex.

  5. A full pantry is definitely a blessing. Stay warm! Regula

  6. Hello,
    Your pantry looks full, lots to be thankful for. Stay warm and safe! Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  7. I always love having a well stocked pantry, no matter the weather. Yours looks fantastic. Thank you for linking up and enjoy your books!


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