My Corner of the World and
Wild Bird Wednesday
Click on the photos to see them at their best.
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, January 16, 2024 |
Carolina Wrens,
Thryothorus ludovicianus, are common here where I live in the southeastern part of the United States. Their primary food sources are insects and spiders, and they will come to suet feeders in cold weather.
the view from our porch down our driveway to the road this morning (1/16/2024) |
We had snow Sunday night, but then it turned to sleet for most of the day Monday. It looks like snow, but it is really ice! Very slick, very dangerous. And with below freezing temperatures for the next few days, it will be the weekend before it melts and it is safe to get out again.
I hope you have a good week!
I am linking in today with
My Corner of the World and
Wild Bird Wednesday
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16