Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Northern Mockingbird, December 16, 2020

Wild Bird Wednesday and My Corner of the World

Click on the photo to see it as its best.

Tupelo, Mississippi, USA, December 8, 2020

Northern Mockingbirds, Mimus polyglottos, are members of the Thrasher family, and like other Thrashes are able to mimic whatever sounds they hear - other birds, dogs, cats, etc. They are 'northern' because they have southern cousins in South America.

Have a wonderful day!

For more bird photos, visit Wild Bird Wednesday: Click Here!

For an interesting variety of photos, visit My Corner of the World: Click Here!

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.


  1. Hello,
    The Mockingbird is handsome, great capture!
    Take care, have a happy day!

  2. I have never seen or heard a mockingbird. Sigh!

  3. They are becoming more and more common here, so northern really is appropriate.

  4. Wonderful birds to have around. I usually have a pair nesting in my yard. I love to listen to them singing, and during mating season they will sing at night.

  5. Such a gorgeous little creature! Awesome capture :)

    I appreciate your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for joining us!


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