Willy Nilly Friday 5,
Sky Watch Friday,
Signs 2,
and on Saturday,
Saturday's Critters, and
I'd Rather B Birdin'
1. Tennessee River (Sky Watch Friday)
Tennessee River at Shiloh, Tennessee, USA, February 9, 2020 |
When the rain stopped over the weekend, we went to lunch at Hagy's Catfish Hotel Restaurant where we can watch the river traffic as we eat.
The "Chip Lacy" was going north (downstream) on the Tennessee River towards the Ohio River.
Shiloh, Tennessee , USA, February 9, 2020 |
When we were there on Sunday the Tennessee River was near to overflowing. By midweek the river water was completely covering the restaurant parking lot, but the restaurant itself is on higher ground and still dry.
2. Pepsi (Signs 2)
Miche, Tennessee, USA, February 9, 2020 |
an old faded sign: Pepsi, The Light Refreshment...
… on an old abandoned building
3. The Most Unusual Thing I Have Seen This Week
Hardin County, Tennessee, USA, February 9, 2020 |
If you ever wonder what happens to old school buses, here is one that has found a new life as a combo bus and flat bed truck!
4. Horses (Saturday's Critters)
Lee County, Mississippi, USA, February 8, 2020 |
This is the second time in a week that we have seen these horses out on the road. I am beginning to wonder if they have learned how to open the gate! You cannot see them in this photo, but several neighbors were there to help get the horses back into the pasture. We stopped our car and waited until the horses were past us before continuing down the road.
5. Cormorant (I'd Rather B Birdin')
Tennessee River, Pickwick, Tennessee, USA, February 9, 2020 |
After lunch on Sunday at Hagy's Catfish Hotel Restaurant, we drove a few miles upriver to Pickwick Dam. All the spillways were open in an effort to prevent flooding farther upriver. The water was coming through with such tremendous force that it looked like ocean waves coming ashore.
I did not expect to see any birds fishing in water that turbulent, but there was a Cormorant riding the waves! At least I think it was a cormorant. The constant motion of the water made it difficult to get a clear photo.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
For more weather-related photos, visit Sky Watch Friday:
Click Here!
For more photos of signs, visit Signs 2:
Click Here!
For an interesting variety of photos, visit Willy Nilly Friday 5:
Click Here!
And on Saturday,
For more animal photos, visit Saturday's Critters:
Click Here!
For more bird photos, visit I'd Rather B Birdin':
Click Here!
NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.