Willy Nilly Friday 5,
Sky Watch Friday
and on Saturday,
Saturday's Critters, and
I'd Rather B Birdin'
1. A Sunny Day! (Sky Watch Friday)
Pickwick, Tennessee, USA, January 6, 2019 |
We have had a long string of rainy days, so when Sunday dawned bright and clear we had to get out and go somewhere! We drove up to Pickwick Dam on the Tennessee River to check the water levels and look for birds. Only a few of the spillways were closed; most of them were open to relieve the high water upriver.
There were a few Great Blue Herons fishing in the turbulent water, and we saw a flock of Coots on the other side of the dam.
2. Favorite Photo of the Week (I'd Rather B Birdin')
Pickwick, Tennessee, USA, January 6, 2019 |
Great Blue Heron: living life on the edge!
If you look closely, you can see that one of the heron's toes is exactly even with the end of the tree limb.
3. Growing Lettuce in the Winter!
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, January 8, 2019 |
I sowed lettuce seeds in large tubs in September. I did it as an experiment to see how long I could keep them alive during the Winter. I cover them at night when our temperatures are below freezing.
We have had days of milder temperatures with plenty of rain. It encouraged the lettuce to produce enough new leaves for us to have salads earlier this week.
4. Possum in a Pear Tree! (Saturday's Critters)
Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA, January 8, 2019 |
When we went outside early Tuesday morning to see why our dog was barking, we found an opossum in a tree just outside our back door!
Our dog settled down after she got our attention, but she was still keeping a close eye on it. We told her what a good girl she was, and petted her, and praised her. We let her keep it treed for about an hour, then we tied her in the front yard so that the opossum could escape back to the woods.
5. Birdwatching is Fun!
female Belted Kingfisher, Lee County, Mississippi, USA, January 3, 2019 |
I see a bird...
… and the bird sees me!
Have a wonderful weekend!
For more weather-related photos, visit Sky Watch Friday:
Click Here!
For an interesting variety of photos, visit Willy Nilly Friday 5:
Click Here!
And on Saturday,
For more animal photos, visit Saturday's Critters:
Click Here!
For more bird photos, visit I'd Rather B Birdin':
Click Here!
NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.