Monday, December 19, 2016

Monday Mural: Bread, December 19, 2016

Monday Mural, Blue Monday, and Monday Mellow Yellows
Memphis, Tennessee, USA, December 10, 2016
Wonder is a brand of bread sold in Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

It was one of the first breads to be sold pre-sliced (1930), leading to the phrase "the best thing since sliced bread" to describe a new invention or discovery.

Have a great week!

For more photos of murals, visit Monday Mural: Click Here!

For more photos with a little or a lot of Blue, visit Blue Monday: Click Here!

For photos with a little or a lot of Yellow, visit Monday Mellow Yellows: Click Here!

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.


  1. How interesting...I did not know the history of the brand of bread.

  2. No "Wonder" here in Belgium I don't think it exists in Europe !

  3. Sweet image. How many of today's businesses can claim such a long history? Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. The two young ones look most appealing in this mural advertisement.


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