Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, August 2023

The northeast corner of Mississippi, USA, zone 7b

I have three colors of Althea, Rose of Sharon. This is Red Heart.

My white Althea has only a few blooms.

And I have a half-dozen Althea shrubs with this pink-red color combo.

The Crape Myrtles are just beginning to bloom.


Turk's Cap

Burr Rose

The Red Geranium on my front porch is just beginning to bloom again.

For a look at things to come...

... buds on my Encore Azalea!

Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

I am linking in today with Carol at May Dreams Gardens for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16


  1. Lovely blooms. I have the Turk's Cap for which I am very thankful because nothing - not even the searing heat of our summers - discourages it.

  2. Beautiful blooms! My mother-in-law used to grow Rose of Sharon, and I loved it. I wish I could grow Crape Myrtles, but I'm about two zones too cold. I certainly enjoy them when we travel slightly south in the summer. Happy GBBD!

  3. The colours and variety are wonderful!

  4. Nice colorful blooms. I like the Turk's cap.

  5. Beautiful blooms! I am loving the crepe myrtles. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Enjoyed your Rose of Sharons, your Crepe Myrtle (which, as you know, I love so much), and could wish we had reblooming azaleas here. The Burr Rose looks so much like a carnation, but, to the best of my knowledge, are not hardy in my zone 5b climate. Sigh....

  7. I love the Althea. There's one growing in the botanic garden 5 miles from my home so maybe I should try growing it here, although I'm guessing it needs a lot of water. A belated happy GBBD, Lea!

  8. Oh Lea...your blooms are all so pretty and I especially love your Burr Rose and Crape Myrtle. Ours were delayed a bit but are now in bloom after Bloom Day! Be well and enjoy the rest of your summer!


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