Friday, July 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, July 2016

Northeast Mississippi, USA zone 7
We are in the midst of a very hot Summer, but thankfully we have had adequate rain.
The butterflies are loving the Butterfly Bush, Buddleia.

Marigolds have been steady bloomers all Summer.

I bought this Cypress Vine, Ipomoea quamoclit, at a Master Gardeners' plant sale in Tupelo. I had never seen a white one before.

This Hibiscus was a surprise. Birds must have brought the seeds.

A Butterfly Milkweed that I rescued from the side of the road several years ago. I rescued another one last year. I am thrilled to see both of them blooming this year!

My Geraniums are beginning their second flush of blooms. This pink one is a little ahead of the others.

Crepe Myrtles, Lagerstroemia, are profuse bloomers, and will make small trees if left to grow into their own shape. Stop the severe pruning known as Crepe Murder!

While photographing the Crepe Myrtles, I caught a glimpse of movement on the ground - a bird bathing in a rain puddle! (The pink on the ground is blooms blown off the Crepe Myrtles).

Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

To visit gardens around the world, visit Carol for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day: Click Here!

NOTE: Please do not use my photos without my permission.


  1. I wish that Crepe Myrtles grew here!

  2. So pretty! Love the profuse blooms on the crape myrtle! Happy Garden Bloggers Bloom Day!

  3. Your gardens are so wonderful and I love your captures of the butterfly and bird. Your Crape Myrtles are a bit ahead of ours, which are just forming buds now, so I get to enjoy them early!

  4. I wasn't aware that there was a white cypress vine. Very pretty.

  5. I also wish that crepe myrtles grew here (upstate New York). I love them so, almost as much as camillas. Well, not as much as camillas. I promise, I would never commit Crepe Murder and prune them improperly. If only they created one hardy to Zone 5. Alana

  6. I love that Hibiscus. What a gift!

  7. Good morning Lea, now that you have milkweed, I hope the monarch butterflies will find your garden. I planted a milkweed a few years ago and have been hosting our beautiful friends every year. They are absolutely amazing. You can see "mine" on my blog.

  8. Lovely flowers! Your butterfly is perfect and I love the little bird.

  9. I love that Milkweeds just 'happen'. They are a beautiful orange...

  10. I missed posting to GBBD, but i am having a great time looking at the posts. Some of your plants also grow in our hot tropics, i am surprised as you are in the cold zone. They are looking so beautiful in your garden.

  11. Love your swallowtail and the bather. '-D


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