Every Friday is Sky Watch Friday, but it is only on the fourth Friday of each month
that gardeners around the world post their photos for Salad Days at Veg Plotting.
Sky Watch Friday
Sunset, Fulton, Mississippi, USA, Monday, December 23, 2013 |
We had 2 inches of rain last week-end, but sunny skies returned on Monday.
December 2013 Salad Day
Sprouted and beginning to rot |
What do you do when you find the onions in your kitchen are sprouting and beginning to rot?
Don't throw them out!
Trim off the rotting part |
Trim the onions, being careful to leave the green tops and the root intact.
Planted in the garden |
Plant them in your garden.
I like to use these large tubs for gardening in cold weather.
They are easy to cover to protect plants from frost.
Harvest |
In a couple of months, new onions from old!
Note: I do not have any salad ingredients growing now. These photos are from earlier in the year.
Have a wonderful week-end!
To check out the weather around the world, visit Sky Watch Friday:
Click Here!
If you enjoy salads, visit Salad Days at Veg Plotting:
Click Here!