Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Snails! May 21, 2013

ABC Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday

S is for the lowly Snail
I spotted this snail on the path near my kitchen door Tuesday morning.
As I moved around to see his other side, he sensed my presence and drew back into his shell.
I waited quietly, and a few minutes later he poked his head out.
And there he goes safely across the path!
Lucky for him he was near the house instead of in my garden.
You would be reading an entirely different blogpost!
I hope you are having a wonderful day!

For more ABC Wednesday photos: Click Here!

For more Outdoor Wednesday photos:  Click Here!


  1. These are really nice close ups of the snail!

  2. Snails are such strange creatures. Good photos!
    An Arkies Musings

  3. Such a cute little snail ... great photos. We don't get snails here, just slimy slugs which I strongly dislike. But I try hard to be tolerant of all the creatures in my yard. P. x

  4. People eat them...hmmm.. I have NOT
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. Great close-ups, Lea. Glad he wasn't in your garden!

  6. Your photos are great! Glad for the snail's sake he wasn't in the garden - a different post and perhaps not as nice photos!

  7. Wow! I see the shells at my house, but never the snail. Fun :)

  8. I know what you mean, my hubby has waged war on them.....

  9. I did eat some once...never again...couldn't get the thought of them creeping through the wet grass.

    abcw team

  10. I have salted a few of these when they've come after my hostas. They look so harmless but...

  11. Never tried eating snail before.

    Sorry, late visit for S.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


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