The northeast corner of Mississippi, USA zone 7b
Today's weather forecast is for temperatures in the low 90sF (33C) with near 50% humidity.
We might get some rain on Wednesday!
Althea, Rose of Sharon,
Hibiscus syriacus "Red Heart"
I have two more Altheas blooming, names unknown.
Turk's Cap
African Spiderflower aka Cat's Whiskers
Azalea "Autumn Royalty"
And now for a look at things to come...
...buds on the "Iceberg" Rose!
Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
To see what's blooming around the world, visit May Dreams Gardens for
Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16