Every Friday is Sky Watch Friday.
And the fourth Friday of each month is Salad Day at Veg Plotting.
Growing your own salads
Basic salad ingredients are very easy to grow, and they don't need a lot of space.
It is not even necessary to dig or till the ground.
Just get some large containers (even a window box will do),
a bag or two of good quality potting mix, and a few packets of seed.
Follow the planting instructions on the seed packets.
Water well, and remember to water twice a week unless it rains.
You can be enjoying your own home-grown salads in just a few weeks!
Today I have everything I need for a salad except lettuce!
But I'll be able to grow lettuce again when our weather cools off in September.
This is the last of the Spring Onions and Baby Carrots.
The Sweet 100 (red) and Sun Sugar (yellow) Tomatoes are fruiting very well.
The Jalapeño Peppers are called 'Fooled You'
You expect them to be hot, but they are really mild!
Now for Sky Watch Friday
We've had over 4 inches (10 cm) of rain this week,
but now the skies are clear and the butterflies are swarming around the Butterfly Bush.
Happy Friday!
For more Salad Days, visit Veg Plotting:
Click Here for a quick look at Hydroponics.
To check the weather around the world, visit Sky Watch Friday:
Click Here!