Monday, April 30, 2012

Macro Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday April 30 2012

I have forgotten the name of this flower.

It grows to about knee-high or more, and the blooms form at the leaf joints.

Can someone help me identify it?

Happy Monday!

For more Macro Monday photos Click Here!

For more Mellow Yellow Monday photos Click Here!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

52 Week Salad Challenge April 2012

Without the encouragement of Veg Plotting's
52 Week Salad Challenge
I would not know the joy of home-grown lettuce!
This large container of Mixed Lettuces was sown on March 3.
I enjoy the different colors and shapes.

I sowed several containers with Black-Seeded Simpson Lettuce, beginning early in March. 
This one mixed with 'Little Finger' Baby Carrots was sown on March 12.
I began picking lettuce on April 10 and have enough to share with friends!

I found a new purpose for the side rails of an old baby bed. They keep the cat out of my onions!
These yellow onions were started from bulbs on February 27.

I started my tomatoes a month earlier this year than last year.
I had to cover them on cold nights, but it was worth the extra trouble.
I have blooms now at the end of April!

I set out cucumber plants earlier this week. I grew three different cucumbers last year.
We liked these Burpless Hybirds the best.

Another addition to the garden this week.
Jalapeño peppers for my husband's salads.
No, thank you, not for me!

Yesterday I picked the first of the Green Garden Peas 'Early Maturing Alaska'
Planted March 1 in large containers, they withstood near freezing night-time temperatures.
They can be cooked like any other pea or bean, but they are wonderful eaten raw.
Just sprinkle a few on your salad!

Happy Gardening!

To visit more salad growing folks at the Veg Plotting meme  Click Here!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Friday's Fences April 27 2012

Most of the animals at the Tishomingo County Farm and Garden Day
ignored all the people walking by,
but this goat seemed to want someone to stop and chat awhile,
so I did.

For more Friday's Fences Click Here!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday and Wildflower Wednesday April 25 2012


For more Wordless Wednesday fun Click Here!

For more wonderful Wildflower Wednesday photos, visit Gail at  Clay and Limestone

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Macro Monday and Mellow Yellow Monday April 23 2012

Coreopsis leaning over to rub shoulders with Purple Dianthus

Happy Monday!

For more Macro Monday photos  Click Here!

For more Mellow Yellow Monday photos  Click Here!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday April 22 2012

This week's prompts are:
Yellow, Something That Makes Me Smile, Ancient or Antique, Splash, and In the Sun.


Kerria Japonica commonly called Easter Rose

Something That Makes Me Smile:

Home grown lettuce!
(Black Seeded Simpson)

Ancient or Antique:

1946 Ford truck

A slow splish-splashing rain watered the garden on Monday.

In the Sun:

Fun in the sun - tractor pull.
Farm and Garden Day, Tishomingo county Mississippi

For more Scavenger Hunt fun Click Here!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday April 18 2012

Soon there will be peas in the garden!

For more Wordless Wednesday photos Click Here!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ruby Red Tuesday April 17 2012

Rose bud

Happy Tuesday!

To see more photos with a splash of red Click Here!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Shadow Shot Sunday and Macro Monday April 15 and 16 2012

Bearded Iris

For more Shadow Shot Sunday photos  Click Here! 

For more Macro Monday photos  Click Here!

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day April 2012

Aquilegia - Columbine



Dianthus - Sweet William


Rosa Roxburghii - Burr rose, so named because of the fierce looking bud,
but when it opens.....

... a delicate pink beauty!

Snowball Viburnum

This came from a packet of seeds 'Butterfly Mix'
It is not very tall, and the leaves are long and narrow.
Does anyone know what it is?

Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

To see what's blooming around the world - Click Here!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Shadow Shot Sunday and Ruby Tuesday April 8 and10 2012

Ruby red garden ornament casting a ruby red shadow
at the Home and Garden Show, New Albany, Mississippi, March 31, 2012.

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2 Click Here!
Ruby Tuesday 2 Click Here!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday Scavenger Hunt April 8 2012

This week's Scavenger Hunt prompts are: New, Life, Fragrant, Pink, and Obvious.


A new shrub for my yard - Nandina domestica 'Seika'

Happy Easter!


Fragrant Sweet Shrub 


Flowers growing on the side of the road.

Phlox, maybe?


With all the flowers blooming, obviously it is Spring!

For more Scavenger Hunt fun visit Ashley Sisk's Scavenger Hunt Meme

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday's Fences April 6 2012

Portable fence at the Home and Garden Show, New Albany Mississippi, March 31, 2012
keeps the Pot People from wandering around!

For more interesting fences Click Here!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wordless Wednesday April 4 2012

Garden Art at the Home and Garden Show, New Albany, Mississippi, April 31, 2012

For more Wordless Wednesday fun Click Here!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ruby Red Tuesday April 3 2012


Aesculus Pavia, Red Buckeye, is a tall shrub native to the southern and eastern parts
of the United States. Hummingbirds love it!

Join in the fun at the Ruby Tuesday Photo Meme

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mellow Yellow Monday and Macro Monday April 2 2012

Mellow Yellow Monday:

Garden Art at the Home and Garden Show, March 31, 2012, New Albany, Mississippi

Macro Monday:

Happy Monday!

To see more photos with a splash of yellow Click Here!

To see more Macro photos Click Here!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday April 1 2012

This week's prompts are: Clouds, Sun Flare, Seven, High Angle, and Low Angle


Mid-morning, March 23, 2012

Sun Flare:

Sunset, March 25, 2012, Amory, Mississippi
March 26, 2012: a beautiful afternoon at 77 degrees (25 Celcius)

High Angle:

From a high angle looking down, the first Peony bud!

Low Angle:

From a low angle looking up, the Clematis vine is blooming!

For more Scavenger Hunt fun, Click Here!