Sunday, June 15, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day June 2014

Mississippi, USA, zone 7
Day Lily
I have had very little time and no energy for gardening this year,
but I'm enjoying plants that require very little care like these Day Lilies.
I had an unusual visitor on Thursday - a peahen!
None of our neighbors have peacocks, so it is a mystery where she came from (and went to).
She came right up to the porch, checking my potted plants for insects, I suppose.
The red and white bloom is a bleeding heart. The blue "bloom" is artificial.
In the top left corner is a peace lily (white blooms).

I've had two chemo treatments and there are two more to come. Thanks for your prayers.

To see what is blooming around the world, visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens: Click Here!